Resolved Issues
- Approvers:
- Fixed an issue where client contacts encountered an error when viewing the timecard to approve.
- Fixed an issue where the Approver name would not display properly on the Contract Overview page.
- Expenses:
- Updated expenses to support expense item rates with 4 decimal places (i.e. mileage $0.6250).
- JobAdder:
- Fixed an issue where placements exported from JobAdder were not loading properly on the contract detail page.
- Misc:
- Fixed an issue on production to clean up an error.
- Fixed an issue where various Metric pages would not load properly.
- Sick Time:
- Fixed an issue where the sick time journal was not calculating available hours even though eligibility was met.
- Fixed an issue where the sick time journal calculations were incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the sick time journal records were not created/updated successfully when using Bulk Time.
- Fixed an issue where sick time was not working properly for salary timecards.
- Fixed an issue where sick time was not updating properly from the Contract Overview page.